PRESS RELEASE: Nature Market Dialogue arrives to build vital unity and consensus

Broadway Initiative • 25 March 2024

The Broadway Initiative has launched the Nature Market Dialogue, the space in which stakeholders and influencers can collaborate on the future of UK nature markets. The launch took place on the 25th March during a roundtable that marked the commencement of the Dialogue’s first workstream, a deep dive into nature market governance.

Nature remains in decline. Biodiversity and ecosystem services continue to suffer despite increased public interest and funding, philanthropic efforts and government regulation. Conventional markets have proved incapable of driving investment in the natural capital on which human flourishing and planetary health rely, so nature markets have emerged as a solution.

The Nature Market Dialogue is bringing together all the key voices to realise the potential for high integrity nature markets. The Broadway Initiative’s State of UK Nature Markets 2023 built on the work of multiple partners to identify three key challenges: governance, demand drivers and policy continuity.

Supported by Esmée Fairburn, the Nature Market Dialogue aims to harmonise and synergise the excellent work being undertaken to crack these barriers and secure agreement on what needs to be done next. The Dialogue will develop a new consensus to respond to the government’s pending consultation on mobilising voluntary green finance and negating greenwash, building the necessary momentum to carry nature markets into the future. The first workstreams are intended to take 18 months to complete, but the Dialogue is here to stay.

The Dialogue launched on the 25th March with the initiation of the governance workstream, at a roundtable in partnership with the Environmental Markets Board, Frontier Economics and Arup. Ministers, officials, finance experts and leaders from business and farming gathered to learn both from each other and from the mistakes of the voluntary carbon markets. The roundtable marked the beginning of a process that will surface a consensus among all market participants.

Peter Young, Broadway Chairman and Chair of the Nature Market Dialogue steering committee, said: ‘The Nature Market Dialogue is a vital intervention in the development of high integrity nature markets precisely because it is a dialogue. We are asking everyone with expertise or opinions to head to the project website to register their desire to participate. Only by building true, broad consensus and working in a co-ordinated way will we be able to unleash the potential of nature markets to reverse the biodiversity crisis.’

Annabelle Ong, a Director at Frontier Economics, said: ‘Frontier Economics is delighted to host the first Roundtable of “The Nature Market Dialogue”. We urgently need to find ways to accelerate nature recovery and Nature Markets can play an important role in facilitating private investment in nature recovery. I am looking forward to bringing together stakeholders from a wide range of sectors to discuss how we can avoid the pitfalls of voluntary carbon markets and create high integrity nature markets that deliver for the environment and society.’


  • The Broadway Initiative is the coalition of major trade associations working with business, government and ENGOs to drive collaboration towards achieving the UK's net zero and environmental goals. Broadway have created the Nature Market Dialogue with support from Esmée Fairburn to build on the conclusions of the Financing Nature Recovery programme and Broadway’s State of Nature Markets 2023 report.
by Broadway Initiative 23 December 2024
At a time of significant change in UK environmental policy making, the Broadway Initiative's ' Nature Markets Dialogue ' (NMD) is seeking your views on how investment in nature is governed. Your responses will help shape our approach to Government, as we plan to propose a governance framework for high integrity nature markets. To that end, you are invited to share feedback on the latest consultation paper: Towards a governance framework for high integrity nature markets. The consultation paper has been informed by the feedback, roundtables and online workshops that NMD participants have supported over the past 12 months. A key message from the Dialogue to date is that well-designed and governed nature markets are first and foremost about providing an efficient mechanism for the delivery of verified improvements to the natural environment. Nature markets can deliver improvements to meet voluntary or regulated obligations, provide insets for supply chains and offsetting for development, and efficiently deliver government investment in nature. This is a vital moment for environmental policy development: the Environmental Improvement Plan is under review and revision; the Cunliffe Commission and the Planning Reform Working Paper on Development and Nature Recovery are seeking evidence; and we expect the Government will soon consult on the governance of Voluntary Carbon and Nature Markets. We have a unique opportunity to highlight the need for a robust UK governance mechanism that ensures UK nature markets are high integrity and make a significant contribution to nature’s recovery. We have created an online portal to obtain your feedback and views here, where we have 15 specific questions on which we would value your thoughts . In addition, we will be hosting a series of workshops in the coming weeks to progress the Dialogue around the issues raised in the paper. The process will culminate in a roundtable to present the results and recommendations to Ministers.
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