Tackling Scope 3 emissions

Matthew Farrow, Chief Operating Officer, Broadway Inititative • 29 June 2023

It was back in 2001 when the concept of different ‘scopes’ of corporate emissions was launched (in the first edition of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol). More than twenty years on, Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions are widely referred to in climate change circles.  Yet Scope 3 emissions in particular (defined as those occurring outwith the organisation’s direct control but within the value chain of their services and products) remain one of the most complex and challenging concepts for companies.

I was reminded of this last week when I spent a day discussing the topic with major corporates, having been invited to chair some breakout sessions at EDIE’s event on Scope 3.

In our work at Broadway, which particularly involves working with sectoral associations on their net zero roadmaps, the debate over Scope 3 is very much live. Some  sectors, such as retail, incorporate Scope 3 emissions into their roadmaps and aim to reach full net zero through the supply chain by a particular date, while other sectors have restricted themselves to the more easily identifiable and manageable Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

This challenge is replicated at company level. In the discussions I chaired three concerns were particularly apparent.

First, most large companies have ambitious Scope 3 targets (either set  by themselves or set at parent company level but applying to subsidiaries), but unlike with Scopes 1 and 2 they are trying to backfill the data for current Scope 3 emissions and clarify boundaries. This can slow down the process of prioritising action and developing the right emissions reduction strategy. 

Second, there is still heavy reliance on ‘spend-based’ emissions calculation methodologies for Scope 3. Everyone at the event felt strongly that this is ‘sub-optimal’, but in many areas it is the only option available.

Third, there was a worry that the market for calculating and recording Scope 3 emissions is becoming atomised. Different proprietary software platforms are available, but hard to know which will become dominant and which may disappear. Consultancies, meanwhile, do a great job in supporting firms calculate and analyse Scope 3 emissions but often use their own proprietary methodologies which are not shared. 

On a more optimistic note, most firms felt that despite the opacity of the data they had a reasonable handle on where they should focus their efforts. And there were some thoughtful discussions about how to help supply chains deliver emission reductions, for example by giving suppliers a clear ‘line of sight’ to future requirements that would be placed on them.

So some encouraging signs for sure but I expect ‘Scope 3’ will remain a popular topic for event organisers for a while to come.

by Broadway Initiative 26 February 2025
Broadway Chair delivers a comprehensive overview of the state of nature markets in 2025, and what needs to change to unleash their power to restore nature in the north of England and across the UK.
by Broadway Initiative 17 February 2025
The Broadway Initiative was delighted to attend the first meeting of the relaunched Net Zero Council (NZC), the central forum where Ministers, the financial community, and leaders from business and civil society can coordinate the business transition to net zero. Broadway worked hard to secure the future of the NZC, and now jointly provides the secretariat, ensuring our members are connected to the heart of the Council's activities. The Net Zero Council has a renewed emphasis on offering expert insights to shape government policies on net zero. It is dedicated to supporting the creation and implementation of sector-specific roadmaps, equipping businesses with transition planning tools, and enabling investors to identify key opportunities. Commenting on the relaunch of the Net Zero Council, Broadway Initiative Convenor Ed Lockhart said: "UK businesses need certainty, including on the transition to a clean energy future, to invest, grow, and ultimately improve living standards. By launching the Net Zero Council aligned to the clean energy mission, the government is providing a much-needed platform for the business community, financial institutions, civil society, and government to work in partnership on a shared and inclusive long-term plan. The Broadway Initiative looks forward to bringing business and environmental organisations together to make the most of this opportunity." As the Net Zero Council moves forward, Broadway remains committed to facilitating meaningful engagement between policymakers and business leaders. We will continue to advocate for the practical measures and regulatory clarity needed to accelerate the UK’s transition to a net zero economy. Read the Government's Press Release: Net Zero Council relaunched to supercharge Clean Energy Superpower Mission Read more about the Net Zero Council
by Broadway Initiative 10 February 2025
On the 6th February the Nature Markets Dialogue (NMD) hosted the first workshop of 2025. Professionals drawn from across the demand, supply and operational sides of nature markets met to continue the discussion of the critical need for robust governance. The workshop built on 12 months of effort to convene a consensus around the future for nature market development, rooted in the belief that by working together we can reach the best possible outcome. Government is engaged and listening, at a crucial moment for environmental policy development, so we were delighted so many knowledgeable individuals joined us to pool their experience and expertise. The session was characterised by both a realism that these issues have been under discussion for some time and there has been some disappointment along the way, and by a strong sense of optimism that we will eventually secure market integrity in the UK. Perhaps inspired by the ideas in the NMD Governance Paper or by the healthy turnout of professionals prepared to collaborate, 61% of attendees counted themselves as positive that our goals will be achieved. The purpose of the event was to workshop answers to the NMD Governance Consultation , which remains open to everyone until the 28th February. From the 15 questions, six were identified as being of particular interest via a pre-meeting poll. Those six were subject to rigorous discussion in smaller breakout groups, as the attendees helped shape and form each other’s responses. The true outcome of this process will be recorded in the responses to the consultation itself , but the workshop highlighted some key themes that are sure to come out in the conclusions: The need for government leadership and action The need to learn from existing good practice at home and abroad The vital importance of the government’s new Land Use Framework consultation A clear focus on nature recovery at all times The significance of data platforms and emerging technologies The results of this consultation will build towards a governance framework that the NMD will propose to government at a future Ministerial roundtable. Everyone at the Broadway Initiative is extremely grateful to all participants, and to Bruce Howard from the Ecosystems Knowledge Network who so ably facilitated the workshop.
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