Tackling Scope 3 emissions

Matthew Farrow, Chief Operating Officer, Broadway Inititative • 29 June 2023

It was back in 2001 when the concept of different ‘scopes’ of corporate emissions was launched (in the first edition of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol). More than twenty years on, Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions are widely referred to in climate change circles.  Yet Scope 3 emissions in particular (defined as those occurring outwith the organisation’s direct control but within the value chain of their services and products) remain one of the most complex and challenging concepts for companies.

I was reminded of this last week when I spent a day discussing the topic with major corporates, having been invited to chair some breakout sessions at EDIE’s event on Scope 3.

In our work at Broadway, which particularly involves working with sectoral associations on their net zero roadmaps, the debate over Scope 3 is very much live. Some  sectors, such as retail, incorporate Scope 3 emissions into their roadmaps and aim to reach full net zero through the supply chain by a particular date, while other sectors have restricted themselves to the more easily identifiable and manageable Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

This challenge is replicated at company level. In the discussions I chaired three concerns were particularly apparent.

First, most large companies have ambitious Scope 3 targets (either set  by themselves or set at parent company level but applying to subsidiaries), but unlike with Scopes 1 and 2 they are trying to backfill the data for current Scope 3 emissions and clarify boundaries. This can slow down the process of prioritising action and developing the right emissions reduction strategy. 

Second, there is still heavy reliance on ‘spend-based’ emissions calculation methodologies for Scope 3. Everyone at the event felt strongly that this is ‘sub-optimal’, but in many areas it is the only option available.

Third, there was a worry that the market for calculating and recording Scope 3 emissions is becoming atomised. Different proprietary software platforms are available, but hard to know which will become dominant and which may disappear. Consultancies, meanwhile, do a great job in supporting firms calculate and analyse Scope 3 emissions but often use their own proprietary methodologies which are not shared. 

On a more optimistic note, most firms felt that despite the opacity of the data they had a reasonable handle on where they should focus their efforts. And there were some thoughtful discussions about how to help supply chains deliver emission reductions, for example by giving suppliers a clear ‘line of sight’ to future requirements that would be placed on them.

So some encouraging signs for sure but I expect ‘Scope 3’ will remain a popular topic for event organisers for a while to come.

by Broadway Initiative 23 December 2024
At a time of significant change in UK environmental policy making, the Broadway Initiative's ' Nature Markets Dialogue ' (NMD) is seeking your views on how investment in nature is governed. Your responses will help shape our approach to Government, as we plan to propose a governance framework for high integrity nature markets. To that end, you are invited to share feedback on the latest consultation paper: Towards a governance framework for high integrity nature markets. The consultation paper has been informed by the feedback, roundtables and online workshops that NMD participants have supported over the past 12 months. A key message from the Dialogue to date is that well-designed and governed nature markets are first and foremost about providing an efficient mechanism for the delivery of verified improvements to the natural environment. Nature markets can deliver improvements to meet voluntary or regulated obligations, provide insets for supply chains and offsetting for development, and efficiently deliver government investment in nature. This is a vital moment for environmental policy development: the Environmental Improvement Plan is under review and revision; the Cunliffe Commission and the Planning Reform Working Paper on Development and Nature Recovery are seeking evidence; and we expect the Government will soon consult on the governance of Voluntary Carbon and Nature Markets. We have a unique opportunity to highlight the need for a robust UK governance mechanism that ensures UK nature markets are high integrity and make a significant contribution to nature’s recovery. We have created an online portal to obtain your feedback and views here, where we have 15 specific questions on which we would value your thoughts . In addition, we will be hosting a series of workshops in the coming weeks to progress the Dialogue around the issues raised in the paper. The process will culminate in a roundtable to present the results and recommendations to Ministers.
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